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   Renaissance tower is a commercial and residential building located at Cairo, Egypt. The project is a residential, commercial building that consists of 3 basements and seventeen floors. Total height of the building is 65.00m height.The basement floor area is 1300 m2. FLoors are typically flat slabs. The tower is supported on concrete columns and cores, founda-tion is a reinforced concrete raft with depth ranging from (1800mm to 2000 mm) supported on concrete barrets.The tower was designed against gravity loads and, seismic and wind loads. Uplift forces were also investigated due to the pres-ence of underground water on construction site. Temperature effect was taken into consideration The scope of work was to carry out all tender documents including design drawings,calculation sheets,specifications and bill of quanties.

Codes and Standards:

Egyptian Code for Design and Construction of Concrete Structures. (203).Egyptian Code for Loading (201)






Sultanate of Oman

Project Management:


Structural Consultant :


Project Cost:

US$ 15 million

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